Discover Your Awesomeness!

Get Out of The Rut and Be Healthier, Happier and Totally Awesome!

Book A FREE Call With Me

Online Coaching To Get Unstuck & Awesome For Your Fifties

Get Unstuck

Let's explore where you are now and what are your challenges. How do you feel about your health, life, career and your relationships.Ā 

Feel Better

We workout a plan with clear goals to get you working towards your best self. With accountability and motivation you will create new good habits.

Be Awesome

As you start to become who you knew you always could be, we look at how to sustain your growth and add the finishing touches to truly make you awesome. 


Are you sick of feeling stuck in your life? Tired of not reaching your full potential? Do you feel lost and need direction? Are you looking for ways to get out of the rut and into a better, healthier and more fulfilling life? At Designed2Live, I help women like you become unstuck, find their way again and look forward to the next phase of their life - Being Awesome!

FREE Download
Your Morning Juice

No it's not your regular orange juice fix, it's a change of how you do your mornings. What is your morning routine? Do you even have a morning routine? 

Well let me tell you that the reason why you are not winning the day, not getting things done, not reaching your goals and not doing the things you know you need to do is because you don't have a morning routine that you are doing consistently. 

That is the secret to success in your life.

So stop procrastinating and juice up your life by SIGNING UP to get  "Your Morning Juice" Checklist. 

It's time to win the day so you can change your life forever!


"EugƩnie is an excellent leader whose passion was to motivate and help others."


"I liked accessing guidance and encouragement to be more active, eat correctly and generally improve my health and fitness"


"EugƩnie was well versed in the topics presented and went all out to meet the needs of the clients and remind them of the need to make the change."


"I have taken part in various online live group calls and recently had my one to one call with Eugenie. Eugenie's advice, guidance and suggestions are fantastic. She has opened my eyes to the importance of setting goals, how to overcome challenges and exploring possibilities. Eugenie is extremely professional in her approach and genuinely cares about her client's personal and professional growth. Her knowledge and ability to inspire and encourage self-belief is first class. "
